Wednesday, 20 June 2012


                                Michael Foucault

       The Person that ispire me is a great writer, a very important autor in the politic philosophy, because his investigation and his postulate was revolutionary for all world in the social ciences area, His contribute to the study of politic was very very important and incredible. His initial vision was the archaeology of learning, vision that structurate the knowledge acumulated in a consistent line and  in a explanatory form and his second vision,  the most important vision,  was the genealogical ¿why was the most important vision? because was revolitionary by propose a new form of to see the power in the society and a new form of arganize the structure of power, the power  is in the interpersonal relationship and is not in the structure or institusion administraive.        Michael Foucault inspire me because his postulated was and is a form the analize the reality very interesting and useful, and is my topic (the genealogical vision) for all the investigation of social sciences.

    Thanks for your attention and expect that this will be of       your taste.