Wednesday, 23 May 2012

                                                            My favorite Photograph


                                   Well, this is my favorite photograph, it was  really a  beautiful moment and keeps memory alive, because in this photograph    my complete family and a very important person for me appear.  In that moment my family and me were taking a walk and  having a picnic in the elqui river and this image was takend in the Elqui Valley in the region of Coquimbo, Chile, and it was takend for me  since 3 years ago =D  As I don´t live with my family, this moment is unforguettable  and priceless. 

                 This is a very beautiful place,  I like it so much  and I go to this place every time that I can go.
 I have lots of  moments and incredible experiences in this place,  It is a Magic and perfect place to rest and enjoy, I invited you to come to this beautiful place.

                                     Thanks for your attention and expect that this will be of your taste.        

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


                                                               My Best Friend

M.... My best Friend?  
       ¿what can I say of He?.......

                          Well, my best Friend is a person very important in my school stage, and now I can´t see, because he´s very far but even the conceive as My Best Friend, even we comunicated by diverse means of comunicated; Facebook, telephone, Skype, etc....
         He was in other curse but shared something in common, a hobby, to both liked the sport specifically the Marcial Art.... Kick Boxing and Karate kyokushin. My worse memory with he is very complicated because isn´t a m.... normal situation? is complicated because wn lived a horrible moment the death of a friend. And my best memories?? m.. it´s many, the most notable was when went to slither in the Dunas, when happen notable things and of the keep good moment.

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Wednesday, 2 May 2012


                                                     My favourite piece of  technology

            The technology is a good tool for the humanity, a  tool that has been  utilized of bad form because it`s has been for destroyer and divide the society. But, still when It has  this repercussion, the technology is very important and interesting for me because this has marked great part of my live, in special the portable music player (mp3 player) because the music is a beautiful and harmonic creation and this device achieve to take the music to all part and of practical form. thanks to this we can to take our world to all places and inclusive share our world with the rest of people.

                        A world without music isn´t world, and a life without world, isn´t a life.

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