My favorite Photograph

Well, this is my favorite photograph, it was really a beautiful moment and keeps memory alive, because in this photograph my complete family and a very important person for me appear. In that moment my family and me were taking a walk and having a picnic in the elqui river and this image was takend in the Elqui Valley in the region of Coquimbo, Chile, and it was takend for me since 3 years ago =D As I don´t live with my family, this moment is unforguettable and priceless.
This is a very beautiful place, I like it so much and I go to this place every time that I can go.
I have lots of moments and incredible experiences in this place, It is a Magic and perfect place to rest and enjoy, I invited you to come to this beautiful place.
Thanks for your attention and expect that this will be of your taste.